Changes made since the last build:

  • Added a run animation
  • Added a death screen and replay button
  • Added/changed some VFX
  • Added the ability to slide through an enemy with daggers stuck in it, dealing damage and recovering the daggers
  • Reduced player health to 3
  • Player now takes damage when touching enemies

Known bugs/things i am going to change:

  • The indicator for how many daggers are stuck in an enemy doesn’t work properly right now (this is due to the way Unity handles prefabs, and this will be resolved when i develop a spawn system for enemies)
  • I think the dash doesn’t give i-frames rn, so I’ll change that

Next steps:

  • Add varying enemy types
  • Give the enemies attacks??
  • Add platforming hazards and challenges
  • Experiment with procedural level generation
  • Improve the menu screens and UI

My goal is to make this an arcade endless runner type game, so I’ll be working on figuring out how level generation and difficulty scaling will be built around that goal.


RunHollyBuild Play in browser
56 days ago