just pretend there is some melodic techno playing in the background. or whatever intense/energetic music you want to listen to.

to be clear, this is a rhythm game, I just haven't done the music yet. But you take damage every 8 beats, and once I have music I will be able to adjust the pace of the damage timer to match the tempo of the music. For now the game is just operating at 120 bpm. I'm thinking I might do an endless scaling thing where the tempo just keeps increasing till you can't stay alive anymore

heres a rough list of the changes I made since last time:

- changed player health to 5 from 3

- added strobing colors in the background (they are synced to the nonexistent 120 bpm soundtrack)

- changed the way the camera follows the player for added visual challenge and migraine potential

- made the dash give you proper invulnerability

- refined the menus and UI slightly

still on my to-do list:

  • Add varying enemy types
  • Give the enemies attacks
  • Add platforming hazards and challenges
  • Experiment with procedural level generation


RunHollyBuild Play in browser
93 days ago

Get Run Holly

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