I havent posted anything in a while here huh

I have been killing my back and brain lately working on getting hte core mechanics of this game working. and Im having so much fun.

now that I've almost reached the peak of the core mechanic mountain, now I can see another peak looming even higher in the distance -- the CONTENT PEAK. This one looks even more fun to climb. (And behind that I can see barely a sliver of the BALANCING PEAK.)

No but seriously it's getting to a point where i can actually add content and develop the width of the game as opposed to the vertical height, which is exciting. Specifically what I mean by this is developing the different early game world regions, and items/enemies/lore associated with them. I will hopefully have a demo out at some point soon so people can actually try the card-based fighting mechanic, and see where the game is heading.

till next time

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